Tuesday, October 23, 2007

4 yearold girl hiding...

Denver post

4-year-old hiding in closet rescued from house fire

i think it is amazing that the girl is hiding in a closet hiding from a house fire. the fire could have burned the doors down and killed her. the good thing is that fire fighters saved her before this happend. i bet her mom & dad were happy when they saw her again. i know house fires are scarry. the fires cause is still unknown but it took 20 figher fighters to put it out. it caused more than $30,000 in dammage.


MeganL. said...

If you wouldn't have presented this blog in class I would have no clue what you’re talking about. You need to pick relevant topics and articles that can have a discussion with depth. Also you have to briefly explain what the article was about. Elaborate more!

Justin.S said...

thanks for the comment i now need a nicer comment on the blogg now.